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Ensayos ganadores en inglés CATEGORÍA 13 a 15 años inglés
Technology and communication have become a part of our lives. Computers, cameras, robots, and other types of technology have now become almost a part of our lives and we are accustomed to them, but our society isn’t making the best of it. We are developing technology to a point that we thought wasn’t possible. This shows that our society still has a chance to overcome some problems we previously qualified as “impossible”. We have to take advantage of our creations and use them wisely to create a better world for future generations. The development of new technology is one of our main advantages. Our society can use new technology for almost anything. New technology allows us to recycle materials and produce less waste. With new technology, many conflicts, such as waste depositing, between countries or within countries can be stopped and the environment will also be cleaner. Furthermore, technology allows us to reduce CO2 emissions by researching cleaner fuels, and the amount of Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere can be reduced. For example, Spanish scientists are researching a machine that can absorb CO2, and later on release small amounts periodically for trees to absorb it. It’s one of the main advantages of technology for peace because conflicts of global warming between scientists and governments can be solved. People won’t argue anymore about these issues and many wars can be stopped with the research of new and cleaner fuels. Therefore, technology’s one of the main advantages we humans have to improve our society and our wellbeing. Communication has also improved in the last few years. We have crossed physical boundaries with communication, such as talking with another person who’s in another country. This allows for better understanding between people and many conflicts can be avoided between countries. Good communication also allows us to inform ourselves about breaking news. We can now know about those conflicts in maybe a few minutes. So, we are able to give our opinion or to suggest a solution and prevent wars. This immediate share of information can also be used to transmit emergency messages to other people who can help us in case of a natural disaster, war, or an emergency situation. Communication is the best way to avoid conflicts, because we can create new friendships that will help us or communicate with people to settle an argument or a problem. Finally, these two resources are our future. These are the best chances we have for a sustainable living and a more peaceful world. However, we must be careful to avoid total automation in our lives. In other words, technology is a good thing but we mustn’t let it control us. We must develop it, not depend on it, since any problem with technology could become our doom. So, in the end, we must do what’s good for us and for humanity.
In modern times the World has faced bigger problems than ever before such as Nuclear weapons, global warming, extreme poverty and terrorism. Fortunately this period of history has also come with great technological advances. One of the most important advances is the internet, which will allow individual cultures to merge into one global village in which people can get together online from across the world and attend conferences, receive information and combat important issues such as global warming. The internet is a great resource of information which has allowed people to connect with each other. It can be used to let people know what’s going on around them. It allows journalists to broadcast live from almost anywhere and to keep people informed. Instant messenger and online phone call programs such as Skype let people have conversations with friends and relatives miles away at a smaller cost than international phone calls. If someone that lives in a remote region gets some sort of injury they are able to have a video conference with a doctor that would tell them or someone around them what to do to save their life. Internet connection can also help education. It can connect students from all over the world to increase cultural and ethnic unity and tolerance. Conferences can be live-streamed and viewed with different speakers and audiences miles away. Even with lots of positive uses the internet can also be a tool for illegal activities such as hackers and identity fraud. That’s why internet security must be constantly improving to keep people safe. Another way to create a culture of peace is to create peace with the environment by applying new technology to machines such as cars and other forms of transport. Non-polluting fuels are vital to prevent irreversible effects of global warming. Wind, Hydroelectric, Tide and Solar power technology already exist, all governments have to do is to implement these power sources. Schools should replace notebooks, textbooks and other objects that use up paper and contribute to deforestation all over the world with computers. The ultimate way to create a culture of peace is to create peace with each other. Diplomatic meetings can be done from a distance which would reduce the risk of attack. It would settle conflicts peacefully. Technology must advance to find weapons and save people from terrorist attacks. This could prevent the loss of thousands of lives. Armies should improve their intelligence agencies and technology to the point that they’re sure that their attacking enemies and not innocent civilians. Artists and celebrities have massive influence over people and should promote important causes through their movies, albums and other art forms or by making big events like live 8.
In conclusion technology has advanced to the point were lots of people live comfortably but it should advance to the point were we can continue our lifestyles without worrying on the effect on out planet and on other people. CATEGORIA 16 a 18 años inglés
Isn’t it amazing how long we have come in the field of communications and technology? Click send, and any piece of knowledge, music, or literature can travel across the world in seconds. Press a button, and infinite amounts of things can happen: an explosion, a sound, a movement, anything. Like everything else in the world there is a decision that comes with this great amount of power, it can be used to cause good, or to cause harm and destruction. The same piece of information can save a nation and its people or completely destroy it. But can the same objects that may lead the world to the apocalypse, also lead to the world peace we so want to achieve? As mentioned above, atrocious things can be done with the power of technology and communications, when they’re used with the intent to cause harm, obtain revenge or acquire power through another’s loss. Evidence of the damage caused by this power can be seen in past events like: the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (where millions were harmed, and where the moral intention of the attackers was and is still questionable), or the Chernobyl Accident (which is a clear example of technology getting out of the hands of humans and therefore affecting millions of people). These events are not proof of all the evil that can be done by using these means but a mere example. Luckily there are many organizations and people that fight such harmful relationships, like that which tyrants, dictators and other power-seeking individuals hold with communications and technology. They try to stop it and make the rest of us see what we should really be doing with this power. We can only hope these organizations are strong enough to cope with these people, and make the rest of us open our eyes to what can be done for the greater good using these resources. These things are true and terrible, nevertheless, we are constantly reminded of the great things that may be achieved with these resources: saving lives, helping those who need to be helped, inventing devices to better someone’s life, say a word of comfort to those who most need it, and so much more. The people of the world need to open their eyes, we have to stop the course of our destructive machines, we need to start inventing and using the things that really matter for the causes that truly matter. Peace may be one step closer if we use these helpful resources for good, and not foe evil. This will only happen if all of us work together, if we put aside our corruption as well as our longing and striving for power. Technology and communications were brought to this world with the intention of improving it, not making worse. We need to go back in time and be reminded of the truthful cause for these things’ existence. We need to restore peace, and the moment to start is now! Do We Use Technology, or is Technology Using Us?
Communication is the process by which a sender conveys information to a receiver. Our ancestors not knowing how to read or write were able to transmit from generation to generation not only languages, and customs, but also knowledge. Nowadays, we posses very advanced technology which allows us not only to communicate with the people who surround us, but also with people from all over the world; this in just a matter of seconds. This seems wonderful; however, we are misusing technology and forgetting about the actual essence of communication. Technology has advanced at such a very fast pace, that we have not noticed how we have become so dependent of it. Mobile phones were created to help us communicate with each other; however, we are letting these pretty little objects rule our lives. No one can deny that this magnificent creation is essential for communicating with people who are far away from us; but what about the fact that most families are no longer having verbal conversations with each other thanks to the fact that they rather text message each other? It is true that when these devices were invented, the purpose of them was to facilitate life, yet, we are misusing them. In a couple of years, this might be the reason for communication as we now know it to disappear. In today’s world, we are always being pushed to the limits. We must own the latest fashion trends, the coolest gadgets, and the newest and most expensive cars. When cellular phones were just being released on the market, many people bought them to fit into society since they were considered to be a luxury. Not everything is black or white. On certain situations, depending on the way that we use our resources, something could have a good or a bad outcome. Technology was created to make life easier, yet, when we stop and think about what we are actually doing with our lives, we realize that we are letting it be run by artifacts that most people do not actually need. It is extremely important for us as human beings to make other people see that if we don’t change our living habits, in a couple of years it might already be too late.
My dad once told me that at a very important meeting, the employees were asked to leave their cellular phones on a desk so that there would not be any interruptions during the meeting. As soon as the meeting ended, and the owners were told that they could pick up their cellular phones, many of them were left behind. It turns out that all the ones that were left behind were not real phones, but toys. This shows how the media has pushed us to ridiculous ways of trying to fit into the materialistic world that we live in. Mass media: building households and friendship bonds
“Computers are incredibly fast, accurate and stupid. Human beings are incredibly slow, inaccurate and brilliant. Together they are powerful beyond imagination”, by Albert Einstein. Many questions have been asked about human being’s dependency on technology, and how it could work without the management and control of a person. Although technology has been used by many as an agent to expose either good or bad ideas and uses to the world, it could actually be key for us to develop ourselves in society and create a strong interrelationship bond. But how could we best take advantage of the use of technology as a mediator to promote good values, and above all, peace? Nowadays our world is witnessing a big change which includes the ever growing technology and its development in each household around the globe. The integration of technology in our lives is more noticeable day after day. We are creating more interactive environments through which we interrelate with others at the click of a mouse button from the comfort of one’s own house. Furthermore, there are many facilities that technology has provided us, just like huge libraries in the cyberspace in which we can have total access to information about practically everything. We are now witnessing how computers are transforming our society into one in which everyone can take an active role in the giving and taking information from the World Wide Web. Therefore, means of communication can show us the reality of the world and help us become aware of the cultural differences that exist in many societies. They can make us sympathetic, and sensible towards the problems the world is facing such as war, hunger, drugs and many other problems that affect our society. That is how technology and communication could help us comprehend that the changes of the world have been caused by humans and that they will depend on humans. Mass Media can help sew on the fabrics of interfamily relations by maintaining us communicated, using the internet that facilitate us an instantaneous communication in case of being far from each other. It is also a link through which many people correspond with others; take the case of the exchange of information via e-mail, in which people share ideologies, thoughts and letters. Now, we can project to the rest of the world the good values that we have learned in our lives by the means of communication which are really efficient and fast. But there must be a balance between technology and human bonds.
To conclude, it is true that we have a sort of dependency on technology, but we can work along with it and build a technology-humans harmony and co-existence. Technology can also help us promote a good conscience in each household and assemble the values and morals that will build a peaceful environment. It is time to make a change, a change that should help bring about an interacting culture of balance between human contact and technological interaction.
El concurso fue organizado por: MICIT, MEP, CONICIT, UCR, ITCR, UNED, UNA, Centro Cultural Costarricense Norteamericano y CIENTEC. Agradecemos a todos los patrocinadores que lo han hecho posible: Este programa es respaldado por el Fondo de Incentivos, Ley de Promoción del Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico #7169. |
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