noviembre, 2008
As you know, Noyce Leadership Fellows is a year-long executive education program for directors of science centers. In 2008, for the first class of Fellows, 6 of the 17 come from outside North America. We wish to encourage your colleagues to apply to participate in the second round of the program. Would you kindly pass this message along:
Leaders of science centers and children?s museums who are early in their careers as chief executives are invited to apply to participate in the Noyce Leadership Fellows 2009, a year-long executive education program beginning April 2009. Noyce Leadership Fellows seeks to enable chief executives to deepen their institutions? involvement with their local communities and to move forward with greater effectiveness and public impact in the 21st century. There are no restrictions based on institutional size or location; applications are due January 5, 2009.
For more information or to apply, see
Many thanks for your interest in the program and your assistance in sharing this information.
Sheila Grinell
4112 E. Sunnyside Drive
Phoenix AZ 85028
cell: 602/828-2124
es una red interactiva que surge de la convocatoria realizada por
UNESCO en 1990 y reúne a centros, museos y programas de popularización
y divulgación de a ciencia y la tecnología en América
Latina y el Caribe. Funciona mediantes mecanismos regionales de cooperación
que favorecen el intercambio, entrenamietno y aprovechamiento de recursos
entre sus miembros.
CIENTEC es miembro fundador y actualmente ocupa la Dirección Ejecutiva de la RED. |
é uma rede interativa que surge de uma convocação
realizada pela UNESCO em 1990 e reúne centros, museus e programas
de popularização e divulgação da ciência
e tecnologia na América Latina e Caribe. Funciona mediante
mecanismos regionais de cooperação que favorecem o intercâmbio, o
treinamento e o aproveitamento de recursos entre seus membros.
O CIENTEC é membro fundador e atualmente ocupa a Direção Executiva da RED. |
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\/_/Tel:(506) 2233-7701 ó 2258-3583, Fax:(506) 2255-2182
P.O.Box 8536-1000, San José, Costa Rica